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explore the  arts

Chuck Wang self portrait

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, our 艺术 courses provide a place for you to unearth your creative potential and give voice to big ideas. In a warm and welcoming environment, our curriculum explores technique and skill building, theoretical and hands-on activity, and artistic ways to problem solve. Our department offers both the inquisitive beginner and the seasoned artist an elective that is customized to your interests. More than just a creative outlet, our lessons in art literacy encourage you to consider the broader implications of art in today's society.

除了在学术日期间提供的美术和音乐工作室课程之外, we provide time for extracurricular participation in drama, music lessons and ensembles. The Ruger Fine 艺术 Center and Field 音乐 Center are accessible twenty-four hours a day and you are encouraged to take advantage of our state-of-the-art facilities during free periods.

艺术 & 音乐 Offerings 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜:


The academic life at 索尔斯堡 is motivating. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的老师、教练和导师都是出类拔萃的. 他们将激情和专业知识带入亲密的课堂环境. 协作, 创新, 解决问题, 创造力, and civic responsibility are just some of the principles that guide 索尔斯堡 School’s educational model. 最重要的是, 这些男人和女人每天都和你在一起,总是带着最高的期望. 
Dean of Academic Life Sarah Mulrooney

A Glimpse At Just Two Of Our 艺术 Offerings:


介绍数码摄影是介绍当代摄影的各个方面. 学生将开发佳能数码单反相机的工作知识,我们在工作室. 他们将被要求使用Adobe Bridge和Photoshop来存档和操作他们的图像. They will also explore how their iPhones and Android cameras can be used to produce professional quality imagery. 我们将使用我们的大幅面打印机生产档案,画廊质量印刷品和海报. 我们将工作的项目包括以下内容:黑色和白色与色彩的飞溅, Digital Collage and Painting, 三张相联, 专辑封面, 夜空, Sports Photography and a Final Portfolio.

Check out our latest student work by visiting our Spark page!


This is an “all-in” group collaborative effort to create a larger-than-life cardboard installation (yet to be determined) for the Annual Fall Scarecrow Contest in downtown 索尔斯堡. With cardboard as the primary medium, students will learn how to make giant dimensional figures, from the first 设计 conception to the final installation. Using their newly acquired skills, 然后,学生们可以按照这个项目制作自己选择的最后一个3d纸板作品.

Beginners welcome!